The Champions Center arena is proud to welcome exhibitors the first ever Champions All Breed Association horse show!
Here's a few reminders as we begin the 2023 season:
You do NOT need to become a member to show. You must become a member to earn points.
Points start when you become a member. Fill out a membership form at the show office.
You must compete in at least four shows as a member to be eligible for season-end awards.
The back number stays with the horse, not the rider.
You must use the same back number all show season. If you need a replacement contact championscenter06@gmail.com at least two weeks before your next show.
Youth members must show in their appropriate division based on their age as of January 1, 2023. Youth competitors moving up in age divisions must show in their ‘new’ age group on December 31st at the inaugural show.
Season-end awards are given by class not all-around standings. Not all classes count for awards - classes that count for awards are marked on the show bill.

Upcoming Champions Center shows:
-December 31-January 1 (Double Points!)
-February 11-12
-March 18-19 (Buckeye Equestrian Events show sanctioned with the CABA)
-April 29-30
-June 3-4
-June 24-25
-July 15-16
-September 2-3

Click here to reserve February open show stalls:
View the NYE stall chart here:

Stalls are available for this weekend's horse show (December 31-January 1).
Contact Judy Peters to reserve a stall.